Friday, June 13, 2008

We're alive!

PRAISE THE LORD! We are up and running again with computer, internet and e-mail!!! Thank you to all who were praying today for us! Prayer works!
There have been many moments of complete frustration, annoyance (and a bit of cussing) with all the technical difficulties this week. We are now on our 3rd brand new laptop since last Saturday. We are still a little bit in limbo with all of our contact information (all of it was on my Outlook program from our PC) but we know we will have all of it back onto this computer when we are in Boise. All of this was on top of garage sale, going to pick up our newly converted RV, in Eugene, doing many errands, saying goodbye to friends and family, and getting ready to move our entire life into an rv.
We are still planning to leave on the 16th, but by now all of us are pretty much relaxed about it. This week has been a very stretching, faith challenging week for all four of us- Andy, Tim, Jenn and I.
We know that nothing can separate us from our big God.
We know He is with us all the time.
And we know that He is for us, not against us.
These are the truths we have been holding onto. With so many distractions and so many things to get done this week, we are tired, weak, and have been at our wits end. But it has been another week of stretching and releasing, making our faith muscles a little stronger and a little more flexible.
Our ways are definitely not His. I have fought Him on this one a few times this week but He won. I am glad I'm not in control of this New Life- it would be scary if I was. So, again, I allow the Lord to pry my fingers off our departure time, our contact information, our dog, our house, our bills, our school loans, our mortgage payments, etc, etc. to YOU, Lord.
We'll just keep packing, praying, and keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.


Sheila said...

Awesome! Prayin' for you all!

Anonymous said...

we'll miss you Coulombe and the wrestlers are all for you