Saturday, September 13, 2008

One thing I think is strange about. . . .

This is a new type of post I decided to start writing. I will try to write these while we are actually in the city, rather than hundreds of miles away. Some of them might be people we have seen, others might be stores, or products, while others might be, well, just about anything.

First up. . .

Calgary, Alberta, Canada First off, they use a different type of measuring system, seriously, who in the world does this? Not only do mathematically-challenged police officers hassle me about how much vegetable oil weighs in pounds, but they insult me by having a sign on the way in that says "Think metric." Well Canadians, maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I will not be brainwashed.

Secondly, I guess Oreos were not good enough in the United States so they put a little twist on the product and made the creamy filling "squishy." I'm sorry that I don't have a more scientific term for this description, but to fully understand this atrocity you must travel to this country and see for yourself.

These last two really don't matter too much to me, but they do fall under the category of "strange." (1) We could not find circular hamburger patties, they were all oval, and (2) the ATM machines were all called ACM in an attempt to be different (Automated Cash Machines). Do with those as you will.

This list could go on, but I don't want to spend much more time on Canada, I'm trying to forget the "Oreo Incident" as we now call it.

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