Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sins? They now have an app for that.

This is classic. They now have an app for Catholic confession. You can scroll through a list of sins, choose the one you committed and then receive penance for them. The app guides the sinner through the 10 Commandments with a series of questions attached to each. Users tick boxes for the sins they have committed. The $1.99 app then guides them through contrition and offers sample phrases they can tell a real-life priest to be absolved of sins.


Sarah said...

Can you say "indulgences"? I think we're going to need way more than 95 theses to reform this church culture...

D'artagnan said...

Confession by iphone is almost as silly as thinking Christ woulda found a church who's only authority was a book,in a time when only 10% of the world was literate, and when even less could afford a book.

Anyway, this app, from what I've read, was only made as a virtual "examine of conscience" , and as a way to remind your brothers and sisters to get back in the habit of regular confession (as Christ instructed,John 20:21-23).

a little less ignorance goes a long way, and maybe one day you might even find that the Church our Lord established, is the very one you are mocking, God bless

Andy said...

I'm not sure that Christ created a church that was based on a book. I think it was based on his life and death and most importantly resurrection. The "book" didn't come around until 300 or so years later.

I'm also not completely sure John 20:21-23 tells us that we must confess to a priest in a box, I think Jesus is telling us that we must confess to one another our sins and forgive one another regularly. I'm positive, however, that Jesus isn't telling us to figure it out on our iphones before we go get absolved of our sins.

I'm also pretty sure no one is "mocking" the church, just how humans have distorted it.

we are all god's children - Relax said...

The point is... technology has become God to many people. New, sleek, easy, modern. That's why i'd rather go out in Nature, it's the only church that can't be defiled with apps. and dog-and-pony-show entertainment bands.

I need a spiritual connection, not marketing. What's next. the I Accepted Christ app??

How about a Slapp :)

I'd rather give a homeless guy a lunch than try to play the catholic/protestant b.s. power trip.

Jesus didn't need popes and kings and empires. My Jesus is the one i see in the Bible, helping his friends and being with the poor and the misfits. No McMansion-driven upitty money-grubbing using religion as a rung up the corporate ladder b.s.

Andy said...

Yes, but the Church (his disciples, not just the buildings) are God's chosen method of redeeming the world. We are not designed to go it alone and more importantly, his Kingdom won't be ushered in unless we become the people God called us to be.

To alter a quote by Gandhi ("Be the change you want to see in the world.") - "Be the change you want to see in the church."

The Church (once again, people, not buildings) needs prophetic voices that call us back to what we were supposed to be and where we should be going.

Funny as it is, the Confessions app is just one of the ways we as humans have distorted God's message and cheapened what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

Talitha said...

Wow, this reminds me of my favorite vegetables and their silly song about a forgive-o-matic, lol. I love people, they are so human, just wantin to get it all done as efficiently as possible and completely missing the relationship again. It's like when people ask "did you talk to your mom this week? how is she?" and the response, "Oh yeah, we chatted on Facebook a while, she's great" It is just easier with God to just pray, weird app. great info!