Saturday, November 17, 2007

In a box

Our church, Grace Chapel, did a little profile on what we do when we go downtown. They showed it the weekend Donald Miller spoke. We were not at all interested in going downtown to "feed" the homeless and speak the gospel, all the while having a camera over our shoulders. Seemed a little weird and a little too much self-promotion. The last thing I wanted was for these people to feel like we were using them, especially in God's name. They are people. So, all that said, I didn't really want to do it, and I believed it would be very awkward.

It was awesome! God basically told us, "your expectations are so lame. Don't you know that I can work any way I choose. Don't dare put me in a box!" In about 20 minutes (that was all we really had, we had somewhere to be.) we prayed with several people, blessed 25 of the homeless men and women we met with a sack of food, water and other supplies. Serenity randomly connected with a woman that she has kept in contact with since, and actually saw at the very next homeless outreach we did with Grace Chapel the following Sunday. For this woman, the support and prayer she received from God the Father through Serenity that afternoon means the world, and might have been the only reason God sent us down that day. Don't put Him in a box.

Check this link for the video Grace Chapel cut of that afternoon.

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